6 Questions to Ask B2B Lead Generation Companies

So, you have taken that first step and decided to look for a B2B lead generation company, but what questions do you ask them?

With so many companies out there that do lead generation, it can be challenging to choose the right one, especially in B2B markets. Below are some of the questions that will help you and your company make that decision.

1. What services does the lead generation vendor provide and how well does it match up with your sales cycle and model?

This is an extremely important question to ask early on so that you and your company can understand how the B2B lead generation vendor is going to help you achieve your goals. Do they offer telemarketing, e-mail marketing, event-related services, digital campaigns and/or other multi-channel approaches? Once you have an understanding of what they offer you will be more equipped to choose the best possible match.

2. Who are their current clients and are they able to provide references?

Understanding the lead generation company’s current experience in a specific industry or sector will help determine how much experience they have to join your company and help you reach your goals.

It will also be valuable to see testimonials or speak with one of their current clients. This allows you to learn more about the lead generation vendor’s capabilities and what type of experiences they have had.

3. What type of results have they provided for other clients?

Asking a prospective lead generation company to provide reports showing the number of leads they’ve generated for others can help you understand what kind of results they have achieved and possibly, what you can expect. 

4. What type of systems do they use for reporting and/or do they have experience in the customer relationship management system that you are already using.

Many lead generation companies have experience in multiple customer relationship management (CRM) systems along with having their own internal reporting system. Before making a decision, it is important to know if they are able to navigate within your current system and what type of reporting they will be sending your team. If you have a preference of how you and your team would like to receive the lead information, verify ahead of time that the lead generation company can do so.

5. Who is supplying the list?

This is a question that can sometimes be forgotten when first looking into a lead generation company, but can be very important! Do you already have a list of prospects that you would like a lead generation partner to work from or are you relying on them to build the list for you?

Some companies already have an internal or external source; however, you need to understand whether or not those will be valuable to your company. Other lead generation companies can also provide a customer list creation for you, which will give your team the best possible opportunities right out of the gate.

6. What is the price for your services?

This seems self-explanatory; however, you want to make sure that the price of the services matches up with the potential growth that you are looking for and how far down the funnel you would like the lead carried. Many lead generation companies have one flat rate for all lead generation, but finding a company with tiered packages can be a better fit depending on your needs.

Now that you have an idea of what questions to ask lead generation companies you can start looking for a partner that will understand you sales model, help grow your business and that can operate as an extension of your team. Don’t be afraid to ask those hard questions; the right partner will be ready and willing to share their experiences.

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Download our guide to improve your lead generation and appointment setting strategy!

Creating a pipeline of leads can be challenging and time consuming especially when you’re selling a product or service that requires an appointment for a one on one conversation or meeting.

While there’s no secret formula for generating leads that works across every business and industry, there are several tools that we have found make the odds of success higher and faster and we’d like to share them with you!