5 Tips to Make Your B2B Sales Team Successful

Whether you’re new or an experienced sales manager, I think we can all agree that managing a team of sales reps isn’t easy. We aren’t all created equal and each one of us brings a different personality and skill-set to the table. It’s your job to make sure you’re getting the most out of your team. Here are a few tips that can help make your B2B sales team successful.

 1. Create a Strong Training/On-boarding Process

This is where it all begins. How well you’re able to prepare your sales reps for what’s to come will determine how successful they are, which will result in a decrease in turnover. Give your team the tools that will help them do their jobs to the best of their ability, such as B2B sales techniques that have proven to work. Allow them to shadow your best performers so they have an idea of what an effective routine looks like.

2. One on One Coaching

If a teammate is struggling or having a hard time picking up on something, take the time to understand where the disconnect is. Listen to their recordings, ask what’s wrong or if there are any additional sales materials they need that would help.

Take time out of your day to give your team one on one support to help them with B2B sales strategies and tactics. This will not only be an opportunity for sales team building to establish a bond but will get any issues out in the open, so they can be addressed moving forward.

3. Establish Sales Goals

There is nothing worse than not knowing what is expected of you. Clearly establish specific, measurable, achievable, and time-based goals for your team to benchmark themselves against.  You can use data from past performance to help put together different plans that make sense for everyone, both old and new.

4. Communication

Hold regular meetings to update your team on progress to goal, provide feedback on current campaigns, and communicate any changes that could impact their sales process. Email is a nice tool to use but shouldn’t be a crutch as information can easily be misinterpreted through text.

5. Celebrate the Good

78% of employees said being recognized motivates them in their job. A lot of work and preparation goes into hitting goals, so let your team know they’re appreciated! This is one of the simplest things to do, yet often neglected.


Sales will always present unique challenges that you’ll have to overcome but understanding what you CAN control will really go a long way when it comes to keeping your team on track for success.

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Download our guide to improve your lead generation and appointment setting strategy!

Creating a pipeline of leads can be challenging and time consuming especially when you’re selling a product or service that requires an appointment for a one on one conversation or meeting.

While there’s no secret formula for generating leads that works across every business and industry, there are several tools that we have found make the odds of success higher and faster and we’d like to share them with you!