Learning How To Grow Your Business At Flight 2017

Flight is an annual conference presented by Launch League that gathers more than 200 founders, investors, and startup enthusiasts in Northeast, Ohio. Local start-ups are invited to share their work, network with investors, and increase their business success rate through educational speaker tracks about operations, growth hacking, and funding/investors.

We'll be exhibiting at Flight and dedicating our day to helping new businesses grow. So often we hear from local entrepreneurs struggling to grow their business through traditional marketing and sales avenues. When your business is new and very fragile, how are you supposed to dedicate an entire salary to sitting on the phones all day, sending emails, or drafting blogs all in the name of connecting with potential new prospects?

Of course, there's blood, sweat, and tears that go into launching any new business and plenty of founders spend their days in the trenches, but wouldn't that time be better spent running your business and providing value to your current clients?

That's where the InceptGrows methodology makes the most sense. Our Account Growth Specialists are available on a fractional basis - no fixed salary costs - to join your team, learn about your industry, become an expert regarding your product or service, and become just as passionate about growing your business. For just 2 hours per day and small monthly subscription cost that can be flexed up or down at any time, entrepreneurs are able to catapult their business in a way that wasn't possible before. 

If growth hacking with fractional sales and marketing help is something you're interested in learning more about, let's talk.