3 Things You Need to Know When Preparing a Lead Generation Campaign

In a lot of cases, clients will come to us having little to no material on the campaign they want to launch aside from the desired end-result whether that be a survey, appointment, registrations, etc. Part of our job as the lead generation experts is being able to work with the client to help them realize the resources we need to help them reach their goals. Here’s a quick guide of a few things to lock down to ensure a smooth launch of your lead generation campaign.  

Your Target Market

First and foremost, you’re going to need to have your target market nailed down as specific as possible. Think to yourself, “Who is our ideal customer & where do we find this person?” Knowing things like industry, job title, & company size can help you skip a lot of steps when making initial contact. Even if your product or service can theoretically be applied to multiple markets – it’s best to streamline your focus on only one at a time.

Call Objectives

Establish benchmarks. What’s the most optimistic outcome that can happen from each call? Perhaps it’s an actual sale if you’re reaching out to either a customer or lapsed customer list. Maybe even a sales appointment if your approach is cold.

Now that you've established your optimistic call objective, what’s the minimum you want to get out of each attempt? This will probably start with confirming that the name of the person you have on your list is, in fact, the decision-maker you’re looking for. This can look like the following:

“Before you send me to voicemail, Mike still heads up your IT department right?”

If the operator or receptionist is friendly, take advantage and acquire an email address. Make each dial count.

Lead Follow-Up Plan

You’ve established interest from a prospect! Now what? In some cases, you’ll have a 'closer' dedicated to only follow-up activity. If you don’t have that luxury, you need an organized plan of attack as to who will be handling this crucial step. You would be surprised how often leads slip through the cracks because companies don’t appropriately follow up in a timely manner.

You can learn more about our ideal lead follow-up process here.