B2B Lead Generation Using Facebook

Struggling to add new leads to your marketing funnel and drive revenue for your business? If you haven’t thought about using Facebook to help generate leads for your B2B organization, it’s time you considered it.

The Facts

  • 72% of adult internet users use Facebook.
  • Facebook continues to have the most engaged users -- 70% log on daily, including 43% who do so several times a day.
  • 74% of people say they use Facebook for professional purposes.
  • Content consumption on Facebook has increased 57% in the past two years.
  • 90% of all marketers indicated that their social media efforts have generated more exposure for their businesses. 

The Process

There are many different ways to generate B2B leads using Facebook depending on your business objective. One of the most effective strategies we’ve used is outlined below:

Targeted Facebook Acquisition Campaign.png

Added Value

When this approach is paired with our fractional lead generation service, you end up with an account-based sales (ABS) strategy. Account-based selling is a multi-touch, multi-channel strategy coordinated across marketing and sales teams to pursue a target number of high-value accounts.

When marketing and sales teams work together from the very start and throughout the revenue cycle, you’re much more likely to generate high-quality leads and close them faster to grow your business.