4 Steps to Creating Social Media Engagement for Your Association

Every marketer knows how tedious the journey of creating high-preforming content can be. Did I choose the right graphic? Are the color and font choices showcasing the messaging behind our brand? Before you start to dive into the nitty-gritty details, have a plan that you can follow when you start to get off track.

1. Goal

First and foremost, determine your end goal. Are you trying to build brand awareness? Increase website visits? Educate your members? Typically, there’s an 80/20 rule when sharing content online. This means that 80% of your posts should be increasing interest, informing association members and engaging with your audience. While the other 20% of shared posts should be direct selling of your product or service.

If your 80% includes informing members, consider sharing blog posts or quotes that drive your message. Choosing a goal will pave the way for the rest of your social media graphic creation.

2. Which Graphic?

Figure out which graphics will produce the most engagement. Maybe you’ve seen trends of your viewers engaging with GIFs more, or maybe you’ve noticed that themed posts drive social media engagements. Don’t be afraid to try new types of content as well! There are countless ways to communicate with your audience, so pick a graphic that will showcase your membership organization’s message and personality!

In the marketing world, it can quickly become overwhelming to keep up with the latest social media trends. We know how difficult it can be to pinpoint which graphics are creating the most member engagement. So, we created a guide that explains the multiple graphic types you could start posting!

3. Organize

Make sure that all of your content is well organized so that all marketing team members have access to it. It’s always a good idea to double-check that your content meets all the social media platform’s expectations as well. Check the amount of text you have on your graphics, as well as the length of any videos.

It is super beneficial to create a social media calendar as well. If you’re getting caught up in the business of being a marketer, having a social media calendar to refer to can be a life saver!

4. Design and Share!

Whether you’re using free sites that give you templates to help during the creation process, or you’re using Photoshop to construct eye-catching designs – let the creative juices flow! Once you’ve got a solid design, share away!

If you follow these strategic content creation steps, you’ll be on your way to increasing association membership engagements and overall brand awareness.

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Download our guide to up your digital marketing strategy

Creating effective social media content to share with your target audience is a crucial part to your marketing strategy.

Using our expertise in content creation, we’ve created this guide to help you cultivate a more engaged audience and, ultimately, help you grow your business.

In this download, you’ll receive:

  • The steps you’ll need to follow in order to create social media engagement.

  • 4 essential elements to add in every content piece.

  • Information on different types of graphics your business can post for brand awareness and engagement

  • Key strategies for lead generation